Monday, October 21, 2013


I read an amazing article comparing successful and unsuccessful people. It pointed out the basic differences between these two types of individuals. Clearly, success means different things to each of us but I took it at face value and analyzed the points made.

Successful people have a sense of gratitude while unsuccessful people have a sense of entitlement. I wake up every morning with a grateful heart. It might sound cheesy but it has transformed the way that I view life. I am happy to be alive and to have the opportunity to experience another day. I've heard people on the opposite side of the spectrum always say things such as "why is this happening to me?" "why can't I catch a break?" "it's his/her fault that I didn't get X".  I'm not expert but this is not a healthy mentality. I believe that success means that you can own up to your own mistakes and failures. You can find the beauty in everything even though it seems that your life has become a constant abyss of darkness. I'll get in to this more later. I am in NO way stating that this is an easy thing to do.

Successful people exude joy and embrace change while their counterparts fear change and constantly criticize others. I could see why this would make someone happy or unhappy. If you are always putting other people down and are unable to move forward in your journey then you are holding on to some sort of resentment and fear. Exuding joy is infectious. People love to see smiles and hear laughter. There's always something to smile about. ALWAYS.

Successful people keep a to do list and a journal that helps them to set goals and develop life plans. Unsuccessful people don't set goals and think that they know it all. I'm beginning to see a theme here.

It looks like successful people know what they want, are willing to accept change and failure and pick themselves back up again. This is not to say that a successful person is an automaton. They can embrace their feelings but also let them go! Unsuccessful people on the other hand have difficulty letting go of the past, hold grudges and want other people to fail. They are hard on themselves and on others. How can anyone be successful if they can't be happy on a very basic level?

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