Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Accepting the Unexpected

There are many times when I am left in a state of surprise when the universe decides to rattle my core. A lot of times we fail to recognize the importance of the moment we are in. I have tried to keep my eyes fully open as I walk to and from my destination. Enjoying the movement of my legs, the energy, the blood flowing through my veins and the steady heartbeat. 

There are other times when we want the experience to end as soon as possible. Recently I was put in a situation that caught me completely off guard. I was forced to be in the moment even though the easiest thing to do would have been to mentally check out. It is truly amazing how the body and mind work. Everything in your existence wants to shield you from negativity. The brain shuts down certain parts while the body braces for shock. We are such magnificent creatures! But in this instance, I wanted to feel it. I have been on a long journey of self awareness and one of the things that I have worked towards is feeling everything. 

I want to cry and scream when it is necessary. I want to laugh out loud and smile when truly elated. So I try to accept the unexpected. It is not an easy thing to do! I am grateful for the good and the bad. I have been shaped by experience and even more importantly, my reactions to those experiences. 

Even the unexpected is welcome.